We were contacted by architect Maria Kramer with a request to support the realisation of an ambitious pavilion project for students at the University of Westminster's Faculty of Architecture & Built Environment. Working with Maria's students and longtime collaborators StructureMode, we took a leading role in the fabrication and installation of the student-designed Oculus Pavilion.
Oculus Pavilion
University of Westminster, London

←The finished pavilion installed on-site at University of Westminster's Marylebone Campus. Image courtesy of Maria Kramer
A series of visits to our studio introduced students to different fabrication processes to help inform their design development. Once the design was finalised, plywood ribs were CNC machined and finished by the students at Westminster's FabLab with the help of our team, while steel components and a plywood base were fabricated in our studio and assembled on-site.

←Students on a visit to our studio
↙Our CAD model of the base facilitated efficient and economic fabrication
↘Our experienced team took a leading role on-site to construct the pavilion with the students

Following the temporary installation of the Oculus Pavilion at the university's Marylebone Campus, the structure was re-located to a permanent site at the Harrow Campus in 2019.
“It is a great working with Weber Industries and the pavilion project was only possible with their great support and skilled input. They have been helpful in design decisions and have been proactive, professional and highly skilled and coordinated, both on and off site. I am looking forward to working with Weber Industries again in the near future.”